p 主角悍女Katarina出名泼辣 生男勿近 而她的mmBianca倒是一名和顺娴婌的万人迷 做老爸的惨成祸心 或许受不了大年夜闺女Katarina的气势凌迟 他竟然徇私剥夺mm谈爱情的自是 直至姐姐嫁得出为止 那些倾慕mm的众生皆是以头疼 苦思后度出一计 就是找一隻替死鬼娶姐姐 Katarina脾气暴躁 脾性强硬 找不到任何一个敢娶她的汉子 在心不甘情不肯的环境下 她嫁给了高大年夜健壮的大年夜胡子汉子Petruchio Petruchio同心专心要把Katarina练习成百依百顺的好老婆 于是他采纳了 以暴制暴”的编制 仅剩终究顺服了Katarina的一身傲骨 br Franco Zeffirelli 三九 s adaptation of William Shakespeare 三九 s play about love and marriage Shy Bianca and mean-spirited Katarina, are two daughters of the rich merchant, Baptista Though Bianca is being courted by a number of young men, Baptista announces that she may not marry until Katarina is wed None of the men in town are willing to marry Katarina, so Bianca remains unwed, until a scoundrel called Petruchio appears p