
未知 美国  2011 






  制片人兼导演苏珊·莎拉道夫 Susan Saladoff 的记载片《热咖啡》 六月二七日 周一 晚上九点在HBO电视台首播 br   记载片首要先容了一九九四年里贝克诉讼麦当劳餐厅案 斯特拉·里贝克 Stella Liebeck 密斯在麦当劳就餐时 不谨慎挨一杯热滚滚的咖啡严重烫伤 以后颠末陪审团裁定 获得二百九十万美元的抵偿金 br   纽约每日新闻评价说 此时许旁不雅者会愤慨地摇摇头暗示这起变乱应当是里贝克本身的过掉 并感觉她奖这件工作的责任全数推给麦当劳是非常好笑的 br   该部记载片中的图片和采访就是为了撤销人们的这些设法 揭示出真正的伤痕地点 这些伤痕仿佛 残暴战争留下的可骇的印记” br   The McDonald s coffee case has been routinely cited by the media as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of the legal system We will show how this case became so popular in the media, who funded the effort and to what end We will tell the truth and let the audience decide if spilling hot coffee is really as profitable as they might otherwise believe Written by Anonymous br    Most people think they know the quot McDonald s coffee case, quot but what they don t know is that corporations have spent millions distorting the case to promote tort reform HOT COFFEE reveals how big business, aided by the media, brewed a dangerous concoction of manipulation and lies to protect corporate interests By following four people whose lives were devastated by the attacks on our courts, the film challenges the assumptions Americans hold about quot jackpot justice quot Written by Hot Coffee


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