p 有四个分歧顶点的轨道是甚么?
四个分歧的顶点——Nick Pon演 Wan Mo演 Beam Patricia演 和wayu God演 ——不竭地彼此环抱 在碰撞的火焰中几次碰撞和燃烧
是于是 所有四面总是无情的 沉醉于仇恨和竞争的疾苦和欢愉 或许 乃至爱情
Just what is it to be an orbit with 四 different poles
The 四 different poles — Nick Pon , Wan Mo , Beam Patricia , and Wayu Godt — continuously circle around each other, repeatedly clashing and burning in the fire of the collision
However, p